A genome is a collection of genes that you inherited from your parents. Your DNA serves as a permanent blueprint for your body that you cannot alter. It has a significant impact on the development of numerous diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and obesity. However, factors like as nutrition and lifestyles, which are within your control, can alter how these genes are used in the body, a process known as gene expression. This is similar to two houses built from the same blueprint that are fundamentally identical but appear to be different due to siding and landscaping differences.

The changes in gene expression caused by nutrition and lifestyle are referred to as epigenetic, which means "above the genome." Because some epigenetic alterations can be handed down to offspring, your diet and lifestyle choices can have an impact on future generations.

Your body can adjust how much specific genes are expressed in two ways when you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly: 1) by altering how the genome is packaged inside the cell, and 2) by putting chemical tags onto specific genes in the genome. The genes are not used by the organism when a portion of the genome is more folded or scrunched up. Similarly, different chemical tags placed on individual genes can either increase their expression or turn them off totally. Because these chemical markers are produced by breaking down the food we eat, a balanced diet is an essential component of any exercise regimen.


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